Monday, September 21, 2015


Typically while on vacation at our "island home" various sentiments are spoken from the family with a common theme. They vary from, "I wish we could move here," "I wish we could stay here forever." "This is Heaven," and so on.

This year conversations were held with the little ones. It was made clear that if we moved to the beach then everyone else could to! We would miss everyone- family and friends. We couldn't leave anyone behind!

That got me thinking though. We have a large family and we love everyone of em'! Aunts, uncles, great aunts/uncles, cousins, grandparents they would have to move! Then we can't forget the friends. We have a LOT of friends. Especially if we consider all 10 of us that went on vacation...we each have lots of friends! It's safe to say we love everyone of em' too! And well, they would have to move to the beach too! We really would miss everyone.

It's a pretty big island and we would all fit on it for sure. But if we moved there and all the people we loved and  wanted to be there moved, then, well I suspect they have family and friends they love and would want to be there too...AND then they would have people they loved....and then those people would have people they loved! At some piont the island would be full of people- and way full of people who love people. I wonder what it would be like to wake up and realize that my neighbor was someone I didn't know but that somebody I loved asked to move to that island with me loved! Confused? It's simple really! LOL! There's Lots of Love in this world. What if we chose to love people we don't even know because we are all connected by other people who love?

What if we take it to an eternal level and strive to make it to Heaven with all those people? What if we made Jesus the most common love theme and made his love known. Because that stranger we meet is indeed loved by Him! 

That's enough soft and cuddly for now :) 
It's a little uncomfortable to make my thoughts known sometimes. They aren't always the most polished or remember LOL! please :)