I promise every post is NOT going to be about hauling wood. That's what happened today though, and I got some pics to go with! Oh, and because I'm too lazy at the moment to figure out how to rotate pictures, you're just gonna have to tilt your head to see some of them. Sorry.
This is me on our way to Pop's farm. That's where we usually get most of the wood for Mom and Dad's fireplace. Dressed warm cause it is so dag-gum cold out! I wanna know when summer is gonna be here?!
Top: The Farm (which isn't really a farm. I mean there are no animals, no big barn--just woods, and a field, shed, tractor, etc..)
Center: Hello pooch. Don't get so close to the car next time. You'll get ran over!
Bottom: HELLOOOO Pooch! Friendly little feller!
Top: The REAL Photographer! She's starting a Website!
Center: Dad, chainsaw, tree...
Bottomt: Empty trailer, soon to be filled with firewood!
Top: Gone is the tree
Center: Hello firewood! We obviously believe is haphazard placement while loading the wood. Takes too much time to stack it neatly!
Bottom: The Ride
Just a fun couple hours at the farm! As long as we stayed moving it the coldness stayed away. As soon as Dad finished cutting a piece Kendrah or I would throw it in the trailer. I prefer to wait until he has a couple cut. It's good to have a healthy fear of a chainsaw. I probably have more of a phobia...Chainsaws are one piece of equipment I don't really desire to try...I'm working on the fear!
We stopped to get hot chocolate afterwards. The first attempted gas station resulted with being grossed out. They need to take better care of their machines! Our next attempt, I opted to try a flavored cappuccino (that's a hard word to spell!)I'd never seen before. Peanut butter cup. Don't recommend! I drank it anyways!
The trip ended with warming ourselves by the fireplace that the wood was meant for!
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