Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today I:

1.)Got up at 6:05 a.m. This is my wake-up call from here on (till summer!)
2.)Made it to school with plenty of time to find parking
3.)Sat in class for three hours.
4.)Returned a Text book to the bookstore
5.)Peed in a cup
6.)Ate back ANY calories I may have burned last night...
7.)Bought an $8 binder (cause I looked at the wrong price tag). But I still needed it no matter the $.

8.)Organized my life (school work) for the next four months. How long will it last?
10.)And now I'm headed to Discipleship group. *UPDATE: Actually I just got home from DC group, and visiting with my parents, Karoline, and the kids.

Back to peeing in a cup. GROSS!

After a bit of confusion finding the drug testing center (the only thing they are gonna find is signs of dehydration--sorry TMI?), I realized I showed up during lunch hours. Setting in the car I began to wonder more about the whole process. Are they going to watch me? Do people who come here get judged by outsiders seeing them walk in (who cares though). What would it take to cheat on it, and do people ever get away with it?--I wouldn't and don't have the need to do so. People are probably pretty inventive though.

At exactly 1:05 the lady unlocked the door. I was one of two people there. Word to the wise, have your drivers license out of your wallet before going in. It took precisely 3.5 minutes to get the dag-gone thing out (ok, at least a minute). At least if anyone tries to steal it I might have time to catch them in the act...but then again they probably would just take my whole wallet, so never mind.

Anyways, the lab lady (who was actually the front desk lady woman show I guess)brought me back, locked my belongings in a box, gave me a cup, went over directions, and sent me on my way with my very own privacy! The whole time I'm trying to remind myself not to flush the toilet (which is a switch from my usual fear of "did I flush the toilet?")

In the process, I realized how nasty the whole process is. I CANNOT wash my hands afterwards...which mean ALL those people before got it...didn't get to wash their hands either! heebeegeebees crawling up my back...YUCK....GROSS!

As soon as I handed her my highly concentrated cup (TMI? :) )I asked if I could wash my hands. She said no. No. I had things to sign first. She preceded to hand me a pen.
She wanted me to touch that pen? The only pen in the room. The pen that how many others have touched after PEEING?! Fine. I just want to wash my hands. Sign, Initial, Initial, Initial. Got my soap, washed my hands, got my stuff and was out of there! I think I used my hand sanitizer 3 times in the short amount of time it took to drive to the interstate. Yuck. I kinda want to use it again just thinking about it.

If it makes you feel better, She did spray the pen with disinfectant and wipe down the bathroom as I was washing my hands...but still... Nasty.

Thank you school for allowing me to have this experience...

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