Because I don't have school today
Because it snowed a foot of snow and is still snowing
Because my fire alarm went off for no apparent reason
Because I need to get out and go to the store
Because I'm procrastinating
Because I just found these pictures on my camera and forgot to blog about them
I bring you Fred....
What else is there better to do than eat at your local Cajun restaurant on a rainy Friday night? By local I mean New Albany :)
Alligator tail tastes like chicken
Oysters aren't so bad after all
Fried Pickles are good anytime anywhere!
Craw fish are good. Messy and fun to play with as you can see!
My olive sandwich (Mufalata?) was good.
Anything else Cajun not so much!
Something about the spices they use I just don't like!
Fun times.
Supposedly Dad once brought home a whole mess of craw fish wrapped up in newspaper. There may not be anything wrong with that except he carried them as his carry on luggage while flying home!
Poor Fred. In honor of Fred, you should make a sock puppet! :)