Story one:
Drove to Lexington KY to do field work. On the way home, 20 minutes outside of Lexington, my check engine light decided to come on as well as a blinking transmission light. Blinking lights usually mean bad things. Called dad. Dad looked up a Honda dealer. Slowly drove myself and two classmates back about 15 minutes of what we had just drove. Paid 90 bucks for the dealership to tell me I needed to have my transmission rebuilt.--Not happening. After seeking advice from several skilled drivers (dad, two guys from class) my transmission could go out tomorrow, or in two years--most likely the! Not exactly sure what triggered the light to come on?
Story Two:
This happened on my way home from school one day.
Driving on the Interstate something flew off a camper and felt the need to hit my windshield. Thankfully it hit on the passenger side or I would have had a face full of glass! I got the camper to pull over. Couldn't prove that whatever hit me did in fact come off of their camper, so off they drove! I should have stalked them. They got off at our exit too!...
Story Three:
Borrowed Grandpa Burns' car until I could get my windshield fixed. It was a bit questionable the first time I borrowed it while deciding what to do with my transmission. However, desperate times called for desperate measures. The fact that is started after sitting a week with a foot of snow on it gave me some comfort...maybe too much! As it would happen, I decided to NOT get to school an hour early on Friday morning. So when I go out to start the car...I quickly regretted that decision! Yup-it didn't start. Nothing. Nadda. Zilch! Sooooooo, Thankfully, Grandma was out of town and Pop let me drive the Cruiser--even once grandma got home too--a whole week! Man was I styling! Made it to school about two minutes late...there may or may not have been speeding involved.
Story Four:
Yup, there is another! A week after my windshield got busted, I was able to take it to get replaced. However, when I went out to start my car...Nothing. Nada. Zilch! It wanted to start but just couldn't do it! Seriously?! I wanted to cry...but all I could do was laugh! I mean really?! What did I do?! I faithfully put oil in my car in between every oil change. I try not to say mean things to it...try not to. Good news is, dad got home, went out and it started right up! I think it was just pulling my leg...or it could of had something to do with the puddle of antifreeze under it. Sorry world...I will be polluting you for awhile longer. As long as I have a gallon of antifreeze in my trunk, I will not be fixing my car. :( Unless dad can figure out where the leak is coming from and how hard it will be to fix.
Story Five:
Just kidding! That's all for now! I hope!!! My windshield is fixed and my car has started for the past six days...
Welp..I am off to the apartment...maybe!
You've got to be kidding me! What a streak... at least if worse comes to worse, you can always walk. There's nothing wrong with your legs are there? :)