Friday, March 5, 2010

How dare they! My neighbors moved leaving me without internet! Can you believe they would just up and leave without so much as a warning?! No goodbye, no weaning of the net...nothing! I hope when they find a new internet connection they miss all my log-ins to their internet.
Ok, Ok, I guess they didn't really know about our relationship--all those nights I eagerly checked to see how close our connection was and if I'd be able to get anything out of it, and believe me I did. OH well...who wants a one sided relationship anyways... But still! Time to breakdown and get Internet I suppose. Unless...I wonder what our new neighbors will be like? Will there be a connection? More than just two bars? Will they be Snobs, or sharers? Will they be too good for me? Will they let me take advantage of them and give nothing in return...wait...that sounds a lot like...Ok, ok...I'll quit.
I shal post with updates sometime when I have my computer and can post pics.
Topics will include:
The wrath of the Car gods (if I believed in such)
Bones, Steve Bones
Maple syrup
and anything else that may come up between now and then.
Enjoy the BEAUTIFUL WARM weekend!

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