Tomorrow is Thursday. I think. All day today I have thought it was Thursday. Anyhow, good thing it isn't or else I would have been unprepared for a test-which is actually tomorrow-Thursday. Confused? :) As sure as I say it is going to be the easiest we've had in that class, it won't be. So I'm not going to say it. I'm just going to procrastinate a little longer and write on here first before studying.
Anyhow, this has been on my mind this week. Stick with my jumping here and there!
Grandpa has been in and out of the hospital and back and forth to the nursing home for the past few months. Right now he's back in the hospital. We went to get him from the nursing home Sunday to join us for Easter dinner (we had breakfast food...maybe that's why I've been all turned around?). Grandpa has been doing therapy at the nursing home and showing signs of improvement. At first they said that he would get to go home eventually. From what I saw Sunday though, I doubt he does. I don't mean to sound pessimistic.
Then, two week ago, while my entire family was wrapped up in being out of town, or other set commitments, Grandma went to the ER for pain in her arm and neck. She thought she may be having a heart attack. Thankfully she wasn't. They are still meeting with doctors though to rule out heart problems. Right now they think it was something with arthritis.
At the maple syrup festival I walked with Pop to his car to get a gas can (he brought it to rescue a certain sister who didn't check her gas gauge before driving way out in the sticks!) We had to walk a pretty good distance and I ended up carrying the gas can. Pop made the comment how he just wasn't able to do as much as he once was. I thought I wanted to cry then and there!--for the record though as an 82 year old man, he does more than some people half his age!
I say all this cause it makes me wonder what it is like to be in the stage of life they are in. I probably sound morbid. I just wonder though, what goes through their minds? Especially my grandpa who is facing a lot of ups and downs with his health right now and a slower recovery than usual. I sat out on the front porch with him for a while during Easter. We didn't say much but I just wondered what he was thinking about as we watched the kids playing in the front yard. I wonder if he is satisfied with how he has lived his life. I wonder if he realizes that his time on Earth is not as much as it once was. I just wonder about a lot of things.
I don't know why I didn't really think about his much while working at the nursing home, but now I guess since it is family it hits closer to home.
They are the grandparents that have always been there and seems as if they should always be. I really can't imagine life without them. I guess part of me wants them around for big events in my life.
When grandma died, I didn't think about all this I guess cause I was too busy thinking about teenage stuff. When Byron died is was so sudden, nobody saw it coming. But now, with these events with my grandparents now, it brings you back to reality.
Anyhow, I guess I'm kinda rambling. Just thinking.
Next post will be happier. I have fun pictures!
haha as soon as I logged off and went to my homepage with the news I read "Oldest American dies" in the headlines. Gotta laugh :)