Friday, January 29, 2010

Things from my week...

...Some inspiring, some not so much (like the title of this post)...

Wednesday I was challenged to live in the Present. Not just once, but twice (challenged). Once that morning on the radio (thank you KLOVE) and once in Bible study that night. So I guess I better get started on that. It's so easy to look back on the past and question everything. People, events, the "what ifs" and "shouldas...they aren't always easy to shake off. I haven't quite figured out how some present things that are constant reminders of the past fit into all this. Guess that goes back to living in the present and not worrying about it so much....Which leads me to...
The flip's very easy to focus too much on the future. I kinda have been doing this too. I get so focused on what I want my future to look like and making plans or envisioning it that I miss out on the Present.
Seems pretty basic, yet so often forgotten. Learn from the past, plan for the future, but live for today. Does that sound alright?

Anyhow. That's about as deep as I go. I need to conserve my deep thinking for a project tomorrow- a 3D art project interpreting OT philosophy and what it means to brain may not recover after this one.

Speaking of brains, and brain recovery. We had a very interesting guest speaker today. He had major brain injury 10 years ago and has participated in therapy everyday since. about inspiring. This is a man that by all worldly means should not be alive or even living the active lifestyle he is!

Next, I wrote the quickest 2 page paper EVER in my life. As in only a couple hours start to finish...Pathetic...only two pages and I feel like that's an accomplishment. haha

I thought I had lost all my favorite chapsticks that I acquired while working for the Orthodontists...turns out they were under the cushion of my computer chair. That tends to happen I guess when you leave them in your pants pockets and hang your pants on the back of the chair...Now I know.

Yoga may or may not be my thing. I'm pretty good at the mountain pose... the whatever warrior...not so much. Stretches may need to be incorporated into my daily life. So what's the mountain pose?

(basic mountain pose. You can imagine this took awhile to get the hang of)

(whatever warrior. ok it's not really called that. I don't know what they called it. It's the "I can do this but don't watch me warrior" Actually this one was ok...but the next move...

really? I know you are going to go try this when you get done reading. Please don't comment if you are this flexible. Really...I know I need to stretch. Just add the extra pressure of an entire classroom of people seeing you do this-- males included :( haha. Oh well we just laughed...and yoga wants you to clear your mind...feel your body, focus on your breathing. How do you do that if all you can do is focus on not falling?!

AND NOW! The best for last! I'm going to be an AUNT again. Yup anther Karson or Abbagail will be running around come Septemberish!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Couch Potato

I made my bed on the couch around 5:30 this morning and that's pretty much where I have stayed all day. The heating pad stayed on my back or stomach pretty consistantly. Two glasses of ginger ale and four crackers consisted of my diet. Being sick is no fun at all. I did manage to get a poster made for school. It's due tomorrow.
Now, I'm waiting on my laundry to get done in the dryer and then I may call it a night. I'm trying to decide if it's worth taking a point for not dressing up tomorrow for school. Who wants to wear uncomfortable pants? Oh well. Ready or not, here I come school.
I'll finish with a happy thought... GO COLTS :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Say cheese!

Do you think my class mates would find it odd if I brought my camera to class?
I suddenly want to take pictures of everything just in case I decide to blog about it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Made It!

One week down, 15 more to go.
This week of school felt like it lasted a month. I'm glad it's over. Three day weekend ahead!
It's probably safe to say that I don't dread the next weeks ahead. Just a bit anxious still. Gives way to practicing Philippians 4:6.
Looking forward to the events of the weekend. Sad to have to pick between two baby showers to attend. Is it me or is EVERYONE having babies? One, two, three...four...five...six babies on the way! That's all I can think of at the moment (Kendrah helped too). Some of the people I know better than others. In the last year it seems like there was a baby boom too. OH! Seven!...thought of another one.
Babies, babies, babies! Can't wait to hold em'!
The thought of having a child right now seriously messes with me. I can barely keep myself together, let alone another human being. Maybe it's a good thing I'm not married at the moment.
On that note I'm off to watch a movie. Coincidentally I just so happen to have "Baby Momma" laying on my desk beside me. Didn't plan that!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today I:

1.)Got up at 6:05 a.m. This is my wake-up call from here on (till summer!)
2.)Made it to school with plenty of time to find parking
3.)Sat in class for three hours.
4.)Returned a Text book to the bookstore
5.)Peed in a cup
6.)Ate back ANY calories I may have burned last night...
7.)Bought an $8 binder (cause I looked at the wrong price tag). But I still needed it no matter the $.

8.)Organized my life (school work) for the next four months. How long will it last?
10.)And now I'm headed to Discipleship group. *UPDATE: Actually I just got home from DC group, and visiting with my parents, Karoline, and the kids.

Back to peeing in a cup. GROSS!

After a bit of confusion finding the drug testing center (the only thing they are gonna find is signs of dehydration--sorry TMI?), I realized I showed up during lunch hours. Setting in the car I began to wonder more about the whole process. Are they going to watch me? Do people who come here get judged by outsiders seeing them walk in (who cares though). What would it take to cheat on it, and do people ever get away with it?--I wouldn't and don't have the need to do so. People are probably pretty inventive though.

At exactly 1:05 the lady unlocked the door. I was one of two people there. Word to the wise, have your drivers license out of your wallet before going in. It took precisely 3.5 minutes to get the dag-gone thing out (ok, at least a minute). At least if anyone tries to steal it I might have time to catch them in the act...but then again they probably would just take my whole wallet, so never mind.

Anyways, the lab lady (who was actually the front desk lady woman show I guess)brought me back, locked my belongings in a box, gave me a cup, went over directions, and sent me on my way with my very own privacy! The whole time I'm trying to remind myself not to flush the toilet (which is a switch from my usual fear of "did I flush the toilet?")

In the process, I realized how nasty the whole process is. I CANNOT wash my hands afterwards...which mean ALL those people before got it...didn't get to wash their hands either! heebeegeebees crawling up my back...YUCK....GROSS!

As soon as I handed her my highly concentrated cup (TMI? :) )I asked if I could wash my hands. She said no. No. I had things to sign first. She preceded to hand me a pen.
She wanted me to touch that pen? The only pen in the room. The pen that how many others have touched after PEEING?! Fine. I just want to wash my hands. Sign, Initial, Initial, Initial. Got my soap, washed my hands, got my stuff and was out of there! I think I used my hand sanitizer 3 times in the short amount of time it took to drive to the interstate. Yuck. I kinda want to use it again just thinking about it.

If it makes you feel better, She did spray the pen with disinfectant and wipe down the bathroom as I was washing my hands...but still... Nasty.

Thank you school for allowing me to have this experience...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Creative Workouts

To think I almost passed up such an entertaining 45 minutes. Dana called this evening to say she got a key to the church and we could walk inside! After walking four miles in the sub-degree weather last night, putting ourselves in grave danger/embarrassment of falling on black ice, loosing our noses to frostbite, and odd looks from passerbys (sp?), walking inside sounded wonderful!
Before even getting inside the church we could see through the windows that walking in the gym would not be possible. Perhaps black ice would be easier to dodge than kids and flying basketballs! So, we moved to plan b; walking in the sanctuary...forgive us those who may find this disrespectful.
It wasn't long into our walk before we somebody (Dana?) had the brainy idea to JOG! Can you believe she would even mention such thing? JOG?! HAH...but ok, I did it. Two laps maybe? AND THEN...somebody else (ME?!) had ANOTHER brainy idea...lets do basketball side steps (for lack of better term) through the pews! So, we did it!
It was at this point that I thought...maybe we should close the sanctuary doors so nobody could see us. Too late...just as I shut the door I heard knocking on the outside door. I looked to see who it was, let them in, and wouldn't you know--we were about to have some entertainment for our walk. Apparently, the sanctuary is also used to practice Sunday morning special music. Who would of thought?! Little did these singers know what entertainment they were about to receive themselves! They walked in just in time to see three crazy girls running steps on the stage!
So for 45 minutes Dana, Kendrah and myself took turns leading crazy laps around the church halls and sanctuary. Up steps, down steps, run with knee lifts, stop and do 10 wall push ups, hold the wall up, jog, jog, jog, walk(!), and round and round we went. Thanks to Kendrah's pedometer, we went somewhere around 2.25 miles of this. Don't laugh. It isn't far...but It will be shocking if I can move in the morning.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


If your happy and you know it then your face will surely show it!

When you sing this song with Abbagail she claps her hands and points to her face! Happy girl!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Here's the thing...I could write about my experience at school the other day, but I have not quite wrapped my brain around everything, or my heart. Hopefully in the coming week I will feel up to writing about it.

I promise every post is NOT going to be about hauling wood. That's what happened today though, and I got some pics to go with! Oh, and because I'm too lazy at the moment to figure out how to rotate pictures, you're just gonna have to tilt your head to see some of them. Sorry.

This is me on our way to Pop's farm. That's where we usually get most of the wood for Mom and Dad's fireplace. Dressed warm cause it is so dag-gum cold out! I wanna know when summer is gonna be here?!

Top: The Farm (which isn't really a farm. I mean there are no animals, no big barn--just woods, and a field, shed, tractor, etc..)
Center: Hello pooch. Don't get so close to the car next time. You'll get ran over!
Bottom: HELLOOOO Pooch! Friendly little feller!

Top: The REAL Photographer! She's starting a Website!
Center: Dad, chainsaw, tree...
Bottomt: Empty trailer, soon to be filled with firewood!

Top: Gone is the tree
Center: Hello firewood! We obviously believe is haphazard placement while loading the wood. Takes too much time to stack it neatly!
Bottom: The Ride

Just a fun couple hours at the farm! As long as we stayed moving it the coldness stayed away. As soon as Dad finished cutting a piece Kendrah or I would throw it in the trailer. I prefer to wait until he has a couple cut. It's good to have a healthy fear of a chainsaw. I probably have more of a phobia...Chainsaws are one piece of equipment I don't really desire to try...I'm working on the fear!
We stopped to get hot chocolate afterwards. The first attempted gas station resulted with being grossed out. They need to take better care of their machines! Our next attempt, I opted to try a flavored cappuccino (that's a hard word to spell!)I'd never seen before. Peanut butter cup. Don't recommend! I drank it anyways!
The trip ended with warming ourselves by the fireplace that the wood was meant for!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today was my last day of work. I already miss it. I miss my co-workers. I miss the patients--not all of them--but a lot of them! It was by far the best place I will have had the opportunity to work. Here we all are. Sarah is gooseing Morgan and I. That's why we have crazy faces! What a fun group!

Sigh....I sure hope what lies ahead is worth leaving for! God knows what he is doing!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!
Where will it take us?