Wednesday I was challenged to live in the Present. Not just once, but twice (challenged). Once that morning on the radio (thank you KLOVE) and once in Bible study that night. So I guess I better get started on that. It's so easy to look back on the past and question everything. People, events, the "what ifs" and "shouldas...they aren't always easy to shake off. I haven't quite figured out how some present things that are constant reminders of the past fit into all this. Guess that goes back to living in the present and not worrying about it so much....Which leads me to...
The flip's very easy to focus too much on the future. I kinda have been doing this too. I get so focused on what I want my future to look like and making plans or envisioning it that I miss out on the Present.
Seems pretty basic, yet so often forgotten. Learn from the past, plan for the future, but live for today. Does that sound alright?
Anyhow. That's about as deep as I go. I need to conserve my deep thinking for a project tomorrow- a 3D art project interpreting OT philosophy and what it means to brain may not recover after this one.
Speaking of brains, and brain recovery. We had a very interesting guest speaker today. He had major brain injury 10 years ago and has participated in therapy everyday since. about inspiring. This is a man that by all worldly means should not be alive or even living the active lifestyle he is!
Next, I wrote the quickest 2 page paper EVER in my life. As in only a couple hours start to finish...Pathetic...only two pages and I feel like that's an accomplishment. haha
I thought I had lost all my favorite chapsticks that I acquired while working for the Orthodontists...turns out they were under the cushion of my computer chair. That tends to happen I guess when you leave them in your pants pockets and hang your pants on the back of the chair...Now I know.
Yoga may or may not be my thing. I'm pretty good at the mountain pose... the whatever warrior...not so much. Stretches may need to be incorporated into my daily life. So what's the mountain pose?

AND NOW! The best for last! I'm going to be an AUNT again. Yup anther Karson or Abbagail will be running around come Septemberish!